Spine problems can take a toll on you, and despite your commitment, they can fail to respond to non-surgical treatments. Surgery is usually the last resort, and while it might be scary, it delivers notable contributions. Roswell spine surgery has significantly evolved and features innovative approaches, including minimally-invasive procedures. The innovations translate to fewer risks and complications, faster procedures, and quicker recovery. After spine surgery, it helps if you follow certain measures to facilitate smoother recovery. Among the measures to take at home for better spine surgery recovery includes the following:
Before you are discharged, your doctor and/or physical therapist will recommend the appropriate exercise you should undertake. Physical activity, specially tailored to stretch and strengthen your body, is critical. Low-impact activities like walking are usually the starting point. Besides the at-home exercises, you should also observe the follow-ups with your physical therapist as you work to return to your routine. The professionals will help you follow a practical exercise plan to facilitate a better transition, such as ensuring you do not over-exert and injure your spine.
You must fuel your body to facilitate better recovery. Dietary measures such as limiting processed carbohydrates and sugary food help ensure you do not increase inflammation. Increasing anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant-rich items on your diet helps keep the body fueled and minimize swelling and infection risks. You also need to ensure you are well-hydrated, making it easier for nutrients to be circulated throughout the body and facilitate healing.
Quality rest is essential to help the body recover. After spine surgery, you need to look beyond the hours you rest. Sleep position is critical as you endeavor to protect your back. If you sleep on your side, try measures like placing a pillow between the knees and under the head. If you usually sleep on your back, place a pillow under the head and knees. A log roll move is recommended over springing out as you get out of bed.
The right sleeping position and enough rest ensure your spine is protected from excess stress, and your body gets the required break to facilitate healing. Observing your posture as you sit or stand is also important. Strive to maintain a posture that keeps your spine straight. Also, change the position often but avoid movements that twist the spine.
Pain management
Effective pain control is important as you recover. When in pain, your physical and mental wellness is affected, which slows healing. If you need more relief, talk to your doctor before turning to over-the-counter medication. This is because some may contain aspirin which may slow healing. Moreover, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication for a certain period following the surgery, typically 3-6 months, can slow the recovery, hence the need to talk to your doctor for pain management alternatives.
While spine surgery is usually the last treatment option, it can help improve the quality of your life. The recovery may initially seem overwhelming, but with a few pointers like those highlighted above, you will comfortably navigate, speed up the process, and realize better results. Visit Apex Spine and Neurosurgery today for all your spine-related concerns and surgery.